
Single-page clone of Netflix that allows users to watch videos and add videos to their lists.

    Secured user login by using BCrypt and react-router components to keep track of session cookies, allow login to persist across a session, and protect user-generated data.
    Hosted pictures and videos in the cloud using AWS integrated into the Rails Active Storage, providing easier asset management and allowing scalability when more videos or general media are incorporated into the application.
    Integrated Redux with HTML5 media web elements to create customized media playback for users and ensure play/pause status and video time is accessible throughout the application architecture.


Online 2-Player Chess game.

    Registered an ​onclick event listener which is triggered by selection of any piece or board space and incorporates custom-built chess logic that collects all potential moves.
    Constructed hierarchy of piece classes to create custom movement logic with classic object-oriented programming patterns, leveraging inheritance to simplify and optimize codebase.
    Built a custom check/checkmate function to iterate through the appropriate pieces to test if playable moves result in the King piece being in check or checkmate.


  • JavaScript

  • CSS3

  • HTML5

  • Python

  • React


MITx 6.00.1x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python (2020)

Stony Brook Presidential Scholarship (2015-2018)

Autodesk Inventor Certified User (2012)